Tuesday, July 31, 2012

First Week Introductions: Another cool use for Animoto

This year, I would like my students to utilize more interesting presentation tools. For now, they are content with Powerpoint, which is fine, but some presentation tools create a more powerful presentation. Prezi is a powerful presentation tool that offers unexpected visuals, and some of my students have embraced that. However, I would like to introduce them to Animoto this year. One of my first week assignments is to have the kids prepare some sort of introduction about themselves so that I can learn their names, interests, and something historical they did in the summer (I am a History teacher, after all). I will often introduce myself to them using the method of introduction that I expect them to use for me (you, know, as a model). I have created my introduction to my new classes; I hope it makes them want to use Animoto as a presentation tool all year long. Animoto speaks for itself:

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