Tuesday, July 31, 2012

First Week Introductions: Another cool use for Animoto

This year, I would like my students to utilize more interesting presentation tools. For now, they are content with Powerpoint, which is fine, but some presentation tools create a more powerful presentation. Prezi is a powerful presentation tool that offers unexpected visuals, and some of my students have embraced that. However, I would like to introduce them to Animoto this year. One of my first week assignments is to have the kids prepare some sort of introduction about themselves so that I can learn their names, interests, and something historical they did in the summer (I am a History teacher, after all). I will often introduce myself to them using the method of introduction that I expect them to use for me (you, know, as a model). I have created my introduction to my new classes; I hope it makes them want to use Animoto as a presentation tool all year long. Animoto speaks for itself:

Political Cartoon Analysis

Every political cartoon has a message; the trick is to decipher that message, since some of them are pretty tricky, although some cartoons are quite obvious.  Check out this cartoon from Time.com/cartoonsoftheweek:

A tool that I find useful in helping my students understand how to analyze political cartoons is through the Library of Congress.  This is a helpful guide that provides worksheets for documents analysis, primary source documents and award winning historical political cartoons.  Pay particular attention to the "cartoon analysis guide" located in #3.  According to the Library of Congress website, the five things to look for in analyzing political cartoons are:
  1. Symbolism
  2. Exaggeration
  3. Labeling
  4. Analogy
  5. Irony
ThingLink is a useful tool to use in introducing students to political cartoon analysis, because bullets can be placed in strategic locations, calling attention to the different persuasive techniques of the cartoonist (See my example above, from Time.com/cartoonsoftheweek, a website that I use on a regular basis).

Another way to use cartoon analysis in the classroom is through VoiceThread.  This tool offers students the opportunity to collaborate with each other on cartoon analysis.  They can add audio comments to the image so that other students can hear what they think about the cartoonist's message.  Other students can add audio or text comments to add to the analysis, or to provide supplemental ideas.  VoiceThread is also a great tool for classes to collaborate over long distance, so the students can connect with other students to share ideas from afar.  The possibilities are endless!

It important to remind students, often, that the first guiding principal of understanding a political cartoon is to ask "What is the cartoonist's message?" I tell my students to think of political cartoons as editorials in picture form.  The trick is to figure out what the cartoonist is editorializing.  Most cartoons can be understood by utilizing the Library of Congress guide (in other words, locating the five things listed above within the cartoon).  Comprehension comes more quickly when students pay attention to prominent current events, which I expect in all of my classes to some degree anyway.

When my students are adept at understanding political cartoons that are already out there, I will often allow them to create their own political cartoons.  Writing editorials is a unique, and necessary skill, and I encourage all of my students to become adept at writing them by assigning several editorials throughout the year.  However, there are some students who have unique artistic talents, and can convey their opinions much more effectively through a cartoon.  I envy them that!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Awesome Roman Army in Action


Check out this cool video about that shows the Roman-modified phalanx in action.  Pay attention to the soldiers transitioning from the front lines to the back after the whistle signals the move.

Welcome to Current Events 2012

Here we will discuss, share and debate current happenings.  Keep up with the news by reading, listening and sharing.  We'll meet up here once a week to debrief on all the things that happened.

Some of the most important news of the week:  the Olympics!